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Government Plans

The regime Zanu-PF  is at it again, if they have it their way in Zimbabwe,a bill would be passed that will punish citizens outside  the country who criticize the government.  Zanu- PF will define such criticism as unpatriotic and that would drag the international reputation of Zimbabwe through the mud. One would ask what reputation? I mean ever since we gained our independence, after 37 years in power Mugabe was thrown out of power and the his successor Emmerson Mnangagwa promised a bright future for Zimbabweans and promised a break from Mugabe's authoritarian rule and economic mismanagement, declaring a new Zimbabwe that is open for business.

Ever since  Emmerson Mnangagwa took over there has been no progress at all and the fact that the economy that is near collapse. A new currency regime has been hit by inflation, corruption continues,land reform is complete, the mining sector is increasingly militarized, and the privatization of state assets has been been fraught with false starts. In march the bill was proposed by a member of the ruling Zanu-PF party who argued that criticism his government faces from many Zimbabweans outside the country are unpatriotic. He promised that his intention of the bill is to safeguard the reputation of the country. If the bill is passed people who criticise the government would be punished that means as Zimbabweans we have to watch the Regime destroy the country do as they please and no one is allowed to criticise them, shame on the government of Zimbabwe.



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