Six years on what has changed in Zimbabwe ever since Emmerson Mnangagwa toppled former president Robert Mugabe via a military coup in November 2017? The answer to that is absolutely nothing. Matter infact there has been more corruption, looting, human rights abuse, and top of the list Economic mismanagement. Emmerson Mnangagwa promised a break from Mugabe's authoritarian rule and economic mismagement, declaring a new Zimbabwe that is open for new opportunities.
Mnangagwa's economic reform efforts are either incomplete or falling short across a variety of sectors. The currency has been hit by runaway inflation, corruption continues, land reform is incomplete, the mining sector is increasingly militarised and the privatization of state assets has been fraught with false starts.
in short ever since Emmerson Mnangagwa has been president the economy has sunk. With the current government in charge Zanu-Pf genuine reform is unlikely under the present economic and political conditions in Zimbabwe in the lead up to the national elections this year 2023, Zimbabwe is likely to continue down a path of political polarization, protests , political violence at the hands of the state, and economic deterioration. Government pledges under Mnangagwa have fallen short.